Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Kazhugu... a suicide movie

        If you think you are going to watch '6 pound' (Will Smith's movie ) or a 'cliffhanger' kind of movie , you better sit back and read this first. Don't waste your money going to cinema. I watched it in Astro (cable TV) since i got nothing to do and the monthly bill was already paid. That is the only reason i watched it. This movie tried their best to replicate Myna or one of those rural based story and they failed miserably.
       Many directors think that making a good movie is like making "Rassam" (Indian soup). It is not about bringing together a hero, an actress, 1-2 villains, a few comedians, a bunch of thugs look alike men and put them in a village with church & nuns. Add some drinking and getting drunk scenes, marriage, funeral, cottages and dirty outfits. After that ask a story writer, now, "can you write a story with all these in it".
         You won't get a movie, bro; you will get beating. And you get empty theatre. If only the movie making was that easy than Oscar ceremony will be abolished. Ok, let's get back to this movie, Kazhugu.
        The only thing i liked about this movie was the job description of the hero and his friends - a corpse collectors. They search and bring  the bodies of people who committed suicide on the cliff at their village. What a superb portfolio. These bunch of guys only do this job and refuses any other decent job. How is the start? They get drunk and steal all the jewellery from the death body and sell it. One fine day, a girl fell in love with these guy. And the story ends. After time point, i got dizzy and nearly committed suicide myself.
       If anyone needs a psychiatric check, must the heroine in this movie; who lost her sister whom committed suicide at that cliff and fell in love with the guy who brought her body up and stole her sister's ring. Then she felt pity he is getting drunk to his brain and sleeping by the muddy roadside. So decided to pull him to the side of the road. Are they thinking the Tamil girls are all stupid to their bones. In this movie, it is true, she gave him more money just outside the church and ask him to drink more so that he will get pancreatitis and die, i suppose. Who knows? Can you get a better girlfriend than her? That is why more Indian guys still drinking.
      The producer should have not hired so many villains, if you going to use them only for 10mins. Building a character in a movie is not easy, and i am no expert . Surely, for this movie, the screenplay was written by a non expert too. Good character development needs a good screenplay writer who is creative and knows how to make a character believable . In this movie, after 30mins, everything moving different direction with different pace. You get villains talking for less than a min than some scenes were may be made like pulp fiction movies. From a drunk state, the hero get sober, he goes to the girl's house and give his future father in law more booze, and ask the girl to lie down on his thigh. Then he disappears, and get drunk again. I felt like biting my pillow and jump down the cliff myself. Thank god it is over. The screenplay writer; please Google character development for movie, you might learn more. Don't cheat your audiences.
      Ok, folks; that is my review on Kazhugu. Many might just see this movie after my review just to confirm it. Please do, but don't come back tell me that i didn't warn you earlier. I told you so...
Have fun. No stars for this movie just get drunk before you watch it.

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