Sunday, June 10, 2012


Leelai - a  must watch love story

If you are one of those who have given up on good Tamil love story. 
Please, please go and see this one. A must watch movie. Superb story, well acted and well directed. A movie that will make you happy.  

A good movie to bring your girlfriend and have a romantic night out. Trust me , you might get lucky too. If you are married then take your wife/husband, it will rekindle your love lives too.

I haven't heard of any of the actors except for Santhanam. Shiv Pandit (in certain angle - Shah Rukh Khan, look alike) Even though, he is an Hindi actor, he did a good job in Tamil movie. Hope we will see more of him in Tamil movies. Manasi Parekh another new comer did her role pretty well too.
For your information, this movie do not have those long fighting scenes, irritating crying scenes, parents issues , no gangster brothers or uncles, unnecessary dragging death scenes or even a villain. 
I liked this movie because it is a very straight forward storyline and an enjoyable one too. May even make you smile in a few scenes. 
You might not even take notice of the lack of scenic view such as multiple rows of sarees, flower garden scenes and running around the tree scenes. Nothing much to desired about the editing and cinematography skills. Of course the software company (HCL) got its publicity. 
I think the storyline alone carried the movie to its success. A job well done to the director - Andrew Louis. My rating is  4/5.

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